Department of Math and Computer Science
Saint Louis University's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science in Madrid offers two undergraduate degrees and minors in mathematics and computer science that can be completed entirely in Madrid.
Degree Programs
Complete your B.A. in Computer Science at the Madrid campus. You can also transfer freely between SLU's Madrid and the St. Louis campuses.
This Bachelor of Arts is often combined with another major or minor, providing you with an understanding of the application and impact of the Computer Sciences on society.
Complete your B.S. in Computer Science at the Madrid campus. You can also transfer freely between SLU's Madrid and the St. Louis campuses.
The Bachelor of Science degree provides technical depth and focuses largely on analytical skills and a detailed understanding of Computer Science. In contraposition to the B.A. in Computer Science, graduates often go directly into the industry upon graduation. The B.S. program is modeled after curricular requirements for ABET-CAC accreditation in computer science.
Complete your B.S. in Data Science at the Madrid campus. You can also transfer freely between SLU's Madrid and the St. Louis campuses.
This data science program focuses on equipping you with the knowledge and skills to analyze, interpret, and extract meaningful insights from data. It integrates elements of computer science, mathematics and statistics with the goal of addressing real-world problems through data-driven decision-making.
2 years in Madrid + 2 years in St. Louis
Math students may complete their first two years of study at SLU-Madrid before transferring to the St. Louis campus for the final two years of study.
Mathematics emphasizes careful reasoning, along with the analysis and solution of problems. A Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics from Saint Louis University will appeal to students who like to develop their problem-solving and analytical-thinking skills. For this reason, Mathematics is also an appropriate major for SLU students planning careers in Law or Medicine.
Our program combines the features of both small and large schools to create a compelling educational experience. We offer courses small in size at both campus while allowing enough breadth to let students tailor their upper-division math courses to their interests and goals during their two years in Missouri.
2 years in Madrid + 2 years in St. Louis
Math students may complete their first two years of study at SLU-Madrid before transferring to the St. Louis campus for the final two years of study.
Mathematics emphasizes careful reasoning, along with the analysis and solution of problems. Our B.S. in Mathematics is designed to provide a strong grounding in Mathematics for students considering graduate school in mathematics or a closely allied field.
Our program combines the features of both small and large schools to create a compelling educational experience. We offer courses small in size at both campus while allowing enough breadth to let students tailor their upper-division math courses to their interests and goals during their two years in Missouri.
Our department offers three minors that pair well with most degrees: computer science, engineering mathematics and mathematics.
Our faculty are innovators in pedagogy, curriculum development and classroom technology and are committed to helping you succeed. Faculty research interests span various areas of pure and applied mathematics, such as geometric function theory, statistics and number theory.
- Luis Miguel Anguas Márquez, Ph.D., program director
- Anas Abbood, Ph.D.
- María Félix Soler, M.S.
- Javier González Pizarro, Ph.D.
- Ana Granados Sanandrés, Ph.D.
- Álvaro Illán, M.S.
- Atanas Karaguiozov, M.S.
- Jorge Martínez, Ph.D.
- Fairouz Medjahed, Ph.D.
- Ana María Portilla Ferreira, Ph.D.
- Asad Ur Rehman, Ph.D.
Math Placement and Skills Assessment
SLU-Madrid's Department of Mathematics is committed to helping you achieve your educational goals. We administer math placement tests at the beginning of each semester to set you up for success by ensuring you enroll in math courses of a suitable level.
Learn More About Math Placement
Math Tutors
The University provides free math tutors to help with select mathematics courses.
Contact Luis Miguel Anguas Márquez, Ph.D., at for tutors' availability.