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Course Addition & Instructor Application

High school teachers interested in becoming an adjunct instructor in the 1818 Advanced College Credit program should either:

  1. Hold a master's degree in the respective discipline.
  2. Hold a master's degree in another discipline provided that they have a minimum of 18 graduate hours related to the respective discipline they are applying to teach.
Apply to Be a New 1818 Instructor

High school faculty from approved partner high schools with a master’s degree in the discipline taught or a master’s degree in a separate discipline with 18 graduate credits in the discipline taught should complete the application found below. Official transcripts must be submitted in order to have your application considered complete. Please note that qualifications for teaching a college-credit-bearing course are established by Saint Louis University in accordance with regulations of our accrediting agency, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), and applicable state higher education agencies. They are not negotiable.

Instructors must have all application materials, including transcripts, submitted before the registration start date in which that instructor intends to teach. Late applications will not be considered.

Submit Instructor Application

Request Additional Courses as a Returning 1818 Instructor 

Instructors who already have been approved to teach by the 1818 Advanced College Credit program may request to teach additional courses without going through the full application process.

Additional course approval requests must be submitted and approved before the start of the academic semester in which the course will be offered.

View 1818 Program Course Catalog

Submit A Course Addition Request

University departmental liaisons, in consultation with appropriate department members and the 1818 Advanced College Credit program director, make the final determination regarding approval of adjunct instructors and new course approvals.

Review Process for All Applicants

After receiving all necessary application materials, the 1818 Advanced College Credit (ACC) Program will:

  1. Review the online submission materials and, if no changes are needed, forward it to the respective University dean. Instructors who do not meet criteria will be provided a formal denial letter and information regarding steps to become approved in the future.
  2. The dean of the affiliated college at SLU reviews the instructor's application. If found satisfactory, the instructors credentials are then forwarded to the designated faculty liaison in the instructor's academic discipline. Instructors who do not meet criteria will be provided a formal denial letter and information regarding steps to become approved in the future.
  3. After credentialing review by both the dean and affiliated faculty liaison, the liaison will notify the 1818 Advanced College Credit Program, and the instructor will be provided with onboarding and syllabus development materials. The instructor will work with their liaison to construct a syllabus.
  4. Once syllabus submission and review are complete, the 1818 Program will issue an approval letter from the 1818 Program; that approval letter will include a complete listing of faculty credentials conferring eligibility and the courses the instructor is approved to teach. Approval to teach is renewed on an annual basis.

Annual Instructor Requirements  

Each year, instructors must:

  1. Submit their course syllabus for the upcoming academic year. Information on how to do this is provided by 1818 liaisons annually.
  2. Ensure last academic year grades have been entered into Banner Self-Service
  3. Register and attend all 1818 Professional Development pertaining to their discipline area.

Not fulfilling any of these requirements annually may lead to discontinuation of your 1818 course offering.